Meet our Team

Meet our Oxford House Community Care Team At Oxford House, we are very lucky to have an experienced & committed management and senior care team. They have a vast amount of knowledge and are always on hand to help our clients, relatives and carers. They are also recognised by CQC as being Outstanding in the…

A smiling woman in a green floral top standing in front of a sign that reads "supporting oxford house community" with contact information and areas covered, including slough and windsor, indicated below.
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Meet our Oxford House Community Care Team

At Oxford House, we are very lucky to have an experienced & committed management and senior care team. They have a vast amount of knowledge and are always on hand to help our clients, relatives and carers. They are also recognised by CQC as being Outstanding in the Well Led key question from our latest inspection.

Registered Manager, Donna Doyle

Donna Doyle

Registered Manager

Donna joined Oxford House as a scheduler in 2008.  Her passion for care and commitment to helping clients has seen her progress to Care Manager and this year Donna successfully applied to CQC to become our Registered Manager.

Donna has overall responsibility for day to day regulatory compliance and ensuring that we meet or exceed all fundamental standards of care. Donna has recently completed her Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care. What Donna enjoys most about her job is seeing the difference our carers make to clients lives, seeing carers develop and grow within the company and assisting clients to reach their outcomes.

In her spare time, Donna enjoys to travel in her camper van and loves spending time with her family and friends.

Picture of Claire, Care Coordinator

Claire Barry

Care Co-ordinator/Out of Hours

Claire started her career at Oxford House in July 2013 as a carer, working evenings in Slough. After a couple of years, Claire joined the office team in the role of Care Coordinator. In this role, Claire organises the calls for all carers in Slough and Windsor. Claire works closely with the local authorities, liaises with GP’s, District Nurses and is in regular contact with our client’s and their relatives. Claire also works on our out of hours service.

Claire joined Oxford House as she was looking for a change of career after having her children, she enjoyed looking after people and thought she could make a difference to people in the local community. Claire has achieved her NVQ Level 2 in Health & Social Care and enjoys that every day is different. In her spare time, she plays softball and likes socialising with friends and family.

Picture of Sarah, Area Supervisor

Sarah Stratton

Area Supervisor

Before joining Oxford House Sarah worked with adults with learning disabilities. However, with the appealing offer of flexible working hours, that coincided with childcare and family life, Sarah Joined our team as a care assistant in October 2011.

After years of providing excellent care, Sarah progressed and became the area supervisor for Langley & Wexham. Her role is focussed on overseeing the clients and carers within the area. With the day-to-day tasks of risk assessments, care plans, welcoming new packages and assessing the competency of new staff.

Sarah recently achieved her Lead Adult Care Worker Level 3 Diploma. Sarah is also part of our out of hours team.

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Testimonials from happy clients and carers

Oxford House Community Care has contributed significantly to the well-being of our clients and their families.

  • They wait until I tell them that I am ready for them to do what they have to do. To be fair, they are hot on dignity issues.

    Client from the Care Quality Commission Report

  • We are very thankful for the services provided by Oxford House Community Care. Keep it up, please.

    Client from the Customer Satisfaction Index Survey

  • They wait until I tell them that I am ready for them to do what they have to do. To be fair, they are hot on dignity issues.

    Client from the Care Quality Commission Report

  • Mum has been given a new lease of life with the carers… They have encouraged her to go to the Day Centre. She used to be in the house 24 hours a day, every day.

    Client from the Care Quality Commission Report

  • I’ve got a lovely carer. We get on very well together. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her.

    Client from the Care Quality Commission Report

  • I love my male carer, he really looks after me and he makes me shepherd’s pie.

    Client from the Customer Satisfaction Index Survey

  • I like to have Hayley, nothing is too much trouble for her… She looks after me very well and is always smiling.

    Client from the Care Quality Commission Report

  • Always pleasant and happy, makes my day.

    Client from the Care Quality Commission Report

  • If you have an issue, you can ring up and they will sort it.

    Client from the Care Quality Commission Report

How we can help through our services

Discover our comprehensive range of care services that meet the unique needs and enhance the well-being of loved ones.